Top 5 Zimbabwean poets according to SoProfound

Top 5 Zimbabwean poets according to one of the best in the business, SoProfound. The country is loaded with wordsmiths.

Top 5 Zimbabwean poets according to SoProfound

The local poetry scene might not have established a massive following, but it does not lack for talent.

The country is loaded with wordsmiths who have just not been given enough space to shine.

While there are several poetry events and initiatives in the country, their prominence is somewhat limited to specific audiences.

Over the years, I have seen my fair share of local poets performing either live on stage of on social media.

I wanted to come up with a list of poets who I believe are the best in the country, but despite being an enthusiast I decided to give that task to someone else.

That person is SoProfound, who is one of the best spoken word artistes on the land.

Check out the video below to find out who makes the cut in his list of Top 5 Zimbabwean poets.



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