Zimbabwe mourns NAMA legend Susan Hains

Zimbabwe mourns NAMA legend Susan Hains... recognizing her immense contributions to theatre and her profound impact on the cultural landscape

Zimbabwe mourns NAMA legend Susan Hains

The nation is mourning the passing of Susan Hains, a revered figure in Zimbabwe’s arts community, who succumbed to a prolonged illness recently.

The government has honored her legacy by granting a State Assisted Funeral, recognizing her immense contributions to theatre and her profound impact on the cultural landscape of the country.

Hains, a luminary in the world of theatre, dedicated her life to nurturing the arts and empowering disadvantaged artists.

Her commitment to fostering a diverse and vibrant artistic voice that echoes the essence of Zimbabwean society has left an indelible mark.

Hains’s influence reverberates through the successes of countless actors, writers, and directors who have risen to prominence under her guidance.

A memorial service commemorating Susan Hains took place at Harare’s Reps Theatre on Monday.

Following the service, a cremation ceremony was held at Glen Forest Memorial Park, marking the final journey of the theatre guru.

One of Hains’ enduring legacies is her instrumental role in shaping the cultural landscape of post-independence Zimbabwe.

She played a pivotal role in the formulation of the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe Act, a pivotal legislation that led to the establishment of the NACZ in 1985.

The NACZ succeeded the National Arts Foundation and was charged with the mission of fostering, developing, and enhancing the arts’ knowledge, understanding, and practice across the nation.

In 2021, Susan Hains was rightfully recognized as one of the recipients of the prestigious National Arts Merit Awards (NAMA) Legends @40 Awards.

This accolade celebrated her unwavering dedication to the arts and her pivotal role in nurturing a generation of theatre producers, directors, and administrators.

These individuals have since become the backbone of Zimbabwe’s flourishing theatrical ecosystem.

Hains’ passing leaves a void that will be felt across the Zimbabwean arts community.

Her profound contributions and dedication to the preservation and growth of the nation’s cultural heritage will forever be etched in the annals of history.

As the country gathers to bid farewell to this luminary, her legacy will undoubtedly continue to inspire generations to come, ensuring that the flame she ignited within the theatre world burns ever brighter.

Zimbabwe mourns NAMA legend Susan Hains