Women’s Month : MultiChoice team member’s words of encouragement

Women's Month : MultiChoice team member's words of encouragement as the rest of the world celebrates Women's Month.

Women’s Month : MultiChoice team member’s words of encouragement

Stacey Wyngaardt, a customer service team member at MultiChoice Zimbabwe, has mastered the skill of multitasking and uses it to excel in everything she does.

Celebrating Women’s Month, Stacey believes that honing both innate and acquired skills sets leaders apart from those who prefer to be led.

She wants to encourage all women to know that they too can be leaders.

Stacey has been a key member of the MultiChoice Zimbabwe team for a decade and enjoys achieving results for customers who need her help.

Despite obstacles, Stacey has learned from life’s experiences, both positive and negative, and believes that she can take each day at a time and put her heart into everything she does to achieve results.

Many curved balls have been thrown my way and every experience, positive or negative, offers lessons in life,” said Wyngaardt.”

“While I have no control over many things in my life, I know I can take each day at a time and put my heart into everything I do, and thereby achieve results.”

Ultimately, Stacey wants to be remembered as someone who cared and helped others.

While there has been progress for women in Zimbabwe’s workplace, she believes that the country still has a long way to go before genuine equality is achieved.

She feels that being a woman is sometimes an obstacle, and some people’s attitudes and behavior change when they notice they are dealing with a female.

Despite this, Stacey channels these negative experiences into her personal growth and believes that her work will ultimately speak for itself.

“My job requires me to attain a lot of technical knowledge and some people believe that dealing with a man would result in a better level of technical assistance, forgetting that there may be some men who have actually been trained by me.”

March is International Women’s Month, and for Stacey, it is an opportunity to reflect on what it truly means to be a woman.

“It’s a chance for us to appreciate what it is that defines, so we can draw strength and motivation from the successful women around us.”

Stacey advises  young women starting their careers to put their hearts into everything they do.

Put your heart into everything you do and also know your own worth. Take a moment for introspection from time to time. Knowing yourself is the first step on the road to success. In doing this you can figure out what moves you will need to make to stimulate your career growth.” 

Stacey is also a great fan of DStv and enjoys reality television, including channels like TLC. The My DStv App has enhanced her viewing experience, allowing her to watch DStv on the go.

Stacey’s story is a reminder that by honing our skills, knowing our worth, and persevering through obstacles, goals can be achieved.