Rashid Jogee’s obituary from the National Gallery of Zimbabwe

The National Gallery of Zimbabwe, its staff and the Friends of the Gallery, extend their condolences to the family of Rashid Jogee.

RASHID JOGEE – 1951-2021

The Board of Trustees of the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, its Directorate and Staff, and the Friends of the Gallery, extend their condolences to the family of Rashid Jogee, and the Arts fraternity as a whole.

Jogee started painting at the age of nineteen, and never ceased his practice until his death. He strongly believed that people exist because of other people, and his warmth radiated Ubuntu to the fullest.

“Just to let you all know that the dark cloud has struck us once again, we have lost a veteran artist Rashid Jogee, who died today”, said Raphael Chikukwa, the Executive Director of the National Gallery of Zimbabwe. “I am lost for words as Rashid represented Zimbabwe at the La Biennale di Venezia in 2013.” “We have been robbed of yet another talent whose contribution to the Zimbabwean art landscape is huge and we will always remember Mukoma Rashid. His love for drawing and abstract paintings inspired by Marshall Baron who he used to talk about in any conversation will be missed.”

“On behalf of the gallery and on my own behalf let me say to his family and to the artist family may you all be comforted with the loss of Mukoma Rashid.” He concluded.

Jogee has work housed in the National Gallery of Zimbabwe’s Permanent Collection and has been widely collected over the duration of his career. In the 1990s, he received a Presidential Award of Excellence for his contribution and dedication to the development of Visual Art in the Republic of Zimbabwe.

May His Soul Rest in Peace.