Kore Kore Cultural Village unveiled


Tourism and environment players on Monday celebrated World Tourism Day by handing over the Kore Kore Cultural Village to the Makonde community.

The cultural village was funded by the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority as part of the Ministry of Tourism’s 100 Day projects.

The development is in line with this year’s theme, Tourism and Rural Development which outlines the unique role that tourism plays in preserving cultural and natural heritage, providing opportunities outside urban settlements.

Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndhlovu said the village will play an important role in diversifying the rural economy and achieving sustainable rural development.

“I hope the Kore Kore Cultural Village will feature prominently on the map of future tours to Chinhoyi along the triangular movement of visits to Chinhoyi Caves and the Chinhoyi Seven Memorial Park,” Ndhlovu said.

He also noted key challenges affecting tourism in Mashonaland West Province key among them lack of scheduled flights to key destinations such as Kariba, poor road networks and an overall decline in tourism standards due to low capacity utilisation.

“I am pleased to advise that my Ministry has had fruitful discussions with key enabler Ministries including the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development on how best we can improve internal access. In this regard we are excited by the on-going work in the rehabilitation of the Beitbridge-Chirundu Highway.

“If anything, the Covid-19 pandemic has put us to test and proves that we are stronger if we act together and not in isolation. I believe that with unity of purpose the task of growing the tourism sector to a US$5 billion economy will be achievable.”